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Polluted Water Rehabilitation Systems

 As it is known, as a result of the use of energy and technology depending on oil and petrochemicals, the balance of the polluted environment is dramatically and tragically disrupted, threatening the life of humanity and all life. Environmental disasters facing all of humanity today come to us because of industrialization and our indifference to the destructive effects of this industrialization on natural life.

 Nature's deteriorating balance will be reinstated, all living beings will change the flow of their lives in a positive way, ecology and energy balance will increase to the highest level, with a new set of solutions series AyDo™ World Projects, as in the world and in Turkey the environmental disaster facing today our planet It tries to offer a series of solutions that can be a single-source solution to the service of all humanity.

 We purify water contaminated with inorganic and organic wastes from pathogenic bacteria and toxic substances and recycle it economically in the industry. It has been known for a long time that even 20-30% of even the best quality detergent remains unsolved in nature and causes serious damage. Unfortunately, our underground and surface waters are negatively affected by these pollution, and therefore our fresh water resources, our soils and the air we breathe, which are the source of life for all living things, become more polluted and cause various diseases. The adverse environmental conditions that will occur due to climate change have brought the thirst even now. We may go hungry, but it is known by every living thing that we cannot be dehydrated, but unfortunately this fact is always tried to be ignored.

 We thank you for trying not to leave contaminated water and detergent waste to the nature by supporting the use of our Rehabilitation Systems that create the Economy from Ecology by rehabilitating the water contaminated with detergent, rust, dirt, grease-oil, brake lining wastes and heavy metals and re-use them in vehicle washing. It is our greatest wish that your environmental awareness can set an example for everyone.

This planet is the only planet in the universe that we can live on while traveling.
Let me heal and protect it ...

 Our AyDo™ Water Cleaning System technology has been given a TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE by TÜRK LOYDU with the date 30.09.2020 and the number 2020-0590, and it has been protected by the TURKISH PATENT INSTITUTE with the number 2020/02015.

 Contaminated water is collected in suitable underground or aboveground tanks and suspended solids are settled as much as possible and taken to the rehabilitation system by means of a submersible pump. Here AyDo™ -A and AyDo™ -B formulas are dosed in appropriate amounts and then the impurities mixed with water are converted into another form and separated from the water. In this way, ˜98% of the contaminated water is stored in the clean water tank for reuse and from there it is directly used. This cycle continues continuously, depending on the need, until the dirty water level is considered or the clean water tank level is full. Production is made in different capacities according to the needs.

Some of the areas of use of the Rehabilitation System, which is a first in the world, are;
• Rehabilitates car wash water at fuel stations and returns it to car washes,
• Rehabilitates bathing water in all sea vehicles, sites, holiday villages, hotels and flushes toilets in the form of gray water,
• Re-use the disinfected water of trucks at ship or border gates,
• Re-use creek, lake and pool waters by rehabilitating them,
• Reusing contaminated water in soilless farming practices.


No living creatures were harmed during the development process of our products.





We have only one Planet,
There are no spare part,
Please protect your Planet...
Ayhan Doyuk